Monday, October 28, 2013

Terressentials Left Coast Lemon - Pure Earth Hair Wash

Last week was a busy and productive week making halloween cards and getting some of my organic herbs in that I will make into tinctures over the next few weeks.  Sharing those recipes soon.

One thing that has been happening is that I went 19 days with just juicing fruits and vegetables.  I stopped on Friday, Oct 25th because it was a crazy busy day.  I broke my juice fast with Ahi Tuna, Seaweed Salad and three beers. Well, the food was fine, the beer was not so fine.  I developed my usual headache, that I woke up with.  That was a note to self -- alcohol = headache for me. Which I already knew but thought I would enjoy the 34th Annual Freaker's Ball at Skipper's Smokehouse with my husband's band - Uncle John's Band. I decided that day that I would go back to juicing on Monday.  On Sat. I didn't juice either and didn't feel that good, didn't enjoy the food that much and decided on Sunday that I would start juicing again.  I feel much better today!  

Since I have been slowly changing my lifestyle to a more holistic one, I decided to try to detox my hair from all the products I have used in it over the years.  I saw recommendations for Terressentials organic hair products that is almost like the whole no shampoo treatment but it uses clay as one of the main ingredients. My choice was Terresentials Left Coast Lemon Pure Earth Hair Wash.  Which is recommended for damaged hair. I have used it for 2 days now.  I Followed their instructions on how to properly use it.  Day 1, my hair came out oily and fly away and I had to keep it up in a ponytail. Made my hubby laugh because the extreme flyaways I was having would have been great for my scary halloween costume. But I knew like any good detox, this might take a few days of using it before my hair becomes happy and healthy again.  Day 2, my hair was not as oily and flyaway and I can where it down. My hair definately feels softer.  I will post an update after Day 7 and Day 30 if I continue to use it.  So far so good. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Thanksgiving Card Ideas

It is Day 13 of my vegetable juice fast and I am still going strong!  Headache and Fibromyalgia are still the only symptoms I seem to have left from my chronic illness.  Chronic Fatigue no longer is affecting my life. Yay!  

October 14th was the Canadian Thanksgiving and I wanted to make a cute little card to send up there.  I used and A2 size brown envelope. That almost looked like a lunch bag texture to give it a rustic look.  I believe I picked it up at the Hobby Lobby store.      
 Basically, I used an Ivory card stock that was 5' 1/2 X 4' 3/4 when folded in the middle.  I used my lunch bag cardstock that was cut at 5' X 3' 1/2 and used an embossing plate with autumn leaves through my Sizzix Big Shot Machine (which I love!) 

I also used my Big Shot with some framelits to make the boarder around the 'Give Thanks' sign.  I really just used paper that I had in my drawer that I thought would go with the autumn colour.  I used a simple 'Give Thanks' stamp and stamped it in Color Box Pigment - Cocoa.  Ribbon I liked was an Olive Green 5/8th of an inch in thickness that I just tied a little knot bow with. 

My first card, I used just a paper shaper scissor until I got 'Martha Stewart's Scallop Punch' and did the rest that way. I used it on a dark brown card stock that was 5' X 1' I love the way it looks.  

It all just came together. I found cute size pumpkins and squash embellishment at Michael's and use them as the accents on each card to make them different. Lastly use a white gel pen around the lunch bag card stock to make it look like it is stitched. It was fun to project to do. 

Now all I need to get cracking on is my Halloween cards that I need to get out before Halloween comes and goes.  This one is going to be cute.  I got the idea from the Sizzix Gallery of Projects.  Hope it turns out and I will share soon.  Oh, and a quick little note of interest.  Sizzix always has great clearance sales on products which makes it very affordable and I also want to mention that Joann Fabric and Crafts is a really great placed to get items for you papercrafting and they also have some great sales.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Juicing - Day 10 and counting!

Well it is hard to believe that it is Day 10 and I am not ready to stop juicing and dive into a bad eating pattern yet.  I have been doing a few things a bit differently than straight juicing.  I have added grated garlic cloves and oil of oregano to my juicing regimen because four out of the six of us have had the flu.  One of the two, has been out of the house most of the time doing high school activities and not around the sickies.  I am the other of two that has not developed the flu bug.  I have been around the other ones alot.  I believe that it is my juicing and use of garlic/oregano that has left me flu free.  I cannot believe how much better I feel after 10 days.  My energy level is significantly improved as is my mood.  I am not tired in the morning when I get up and I am not getting tired at 2 in the afternoon.  I have also noticed that I am not craving foods that I usually loved to snack like crazy on. I am looking forward to my next juice fix :)  Having said that, making five different juices a day has not been that easy to do, so I tweaked mine.  I usually use vegetables with a couple of fruits.  I make 1 huge pitcher of juice mid-morning which I happily drink till it is gone. Before and after that pitcher I drink water.  I usually drink between 1.5 - 2L of water a day. In the past 10 days my BMI when from 22 - 20, and my blood pressure went from 135/80 - 115/70.  What a nice change there. 

I have decided to continue my juice fast for another 5 days and see how I feel.  My worst symptoms, headache, chronic fatigue are mostly gone.  My fibromyalgia is still there and I want to see if i continue to juice for the next 5 days if it gets better.  After 5 days I am going to re-evaluate whether or not I am going to modify my diet at that point.  I will keep you posted.

What inspired me to change my diet? - Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  We have the ability to heal our own bodies. 

The phone rang before I started drinking my juice
Juice Rainbow!
My favorite juice recipe: (I use organic)
2 handfuls of spinach
1 handful of cilantro
2 tomatoes
3 stalks celery
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 Serrano pepper (I love spicy)
2 carrots
1 1/4 red cabbage
1 pear or apple
1 lime
grate 4 cloves of garlic into juice

Pour over Ice and enjoy! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10 Day Juicing Fast - Day 3 and counting!

I started a juice fast on Monday to basically give my body a break from toxins and chemicals.  Especially to kick the diet soda and caffiene habit.  I didn't write on Day 1 and 2 because I felt pretty horrible.  How I felt Monday morning before I even started the juice, I woke up with a headache and was extremely tired, pretty much the way I wake up every day.  After I got the kids to school I went shopping for organic produce. If you can by locally grown produce when in season. Organic is more expensive so if you are on a tight budget by conventional it will help. There  are conventional fruits and vegetables that you should try and avoid because of the horrible pesticides that are on them. These are the ones that if you can you should by organic.

Fresh Organics

1.   Apples
2.   Bell Peppers
3.   Blueberries US domestic
4.   Celery
5.   Grapes
6.   Cucumbers
7.   Lettuce
8.   Nectarines (Imported)
9.   Peaches
10. Potatoes
11. Spinach
12. Strawberries
13. Green Beans
14. Kale (Tuscan Cabbage

I am on Day 3 today, and I noticed that I am not as hungry as I was on Day 1 and 2 so far.  I noticed my headaches are better in general and that the heartburn that I experienced on the first day of juicing hasn't been there at all on Day 3.  My tongue still feels coated, my face is still dry and looks like I have a bad outbreak of rosacea.  On Day 1 and Day 2 I noticed facial hives which I always get so nothing new to see there. Also on Day 1 I had a BMI of 22 and I started mild exercise - just walking again.  Keeping it simple until I feel better. Almost felt like working with my punching bag outside today but I am not quite up to that kind of physical activity so I will stick to walking.

I will let you know how day 3 goes tomorrow :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

3 Cards for our Keyboardist in Uncle John's Band

Our Keyboardist turned 50 on Saturday and the band had a party for him at the American Legion Post 14 in St. Petersburg FL.  I run sound for them.  I also made up 3 cards that people could sign when they got there since it was just a Playin' In The Band Birthday Party and not so much bring on the presents sort of party.  Here are the 3 designs I made for him, they turned out pretty well and I think took about 3 hours to make them.  I am a slow poke, plus, two of my kids wanted to go to the comic convention and my hubby was sick with the flu and I had to look after him before the gig.  I didn't have time to put too much detail into them so I kept them simple :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

It's Cold and Flu season and time to make Oil of Oregono

The kids are back in school which means the cold and flu bugs are being passed around the classrooms and then coming home to you and the rest of the family.  It is this time of year that I especially make sure that I have oil of oregano made up and ready. (As a mom of 4, this year, I was behind the time and made it up today) 

Medicinal Uses of Oil of Oregano:
Oil of Oregano is rich in polyphenolic flavonoids.  The two main ones are called Carvacrol and Thymol. (Thyme also contains these two flavonoids) These two flavonoids work as great antiseptics.  Research has shown that Oil of Oregano is effective in treating chronic candida infections.  

Oregano is a natural anti-inflammator and pain killer.  Used internally oil of oregano will weaken virus.  Helps kill fungal infections, for toenail fungus place directly under and on the toenail daily until issues resolves.  Used topically to treat acne.
There are many more uses check the web for other great ideas on where an how you can use this great herb.

(Note: Direct contact with oregano essential oil CAN CAUSE MILD BURNS, avoid irritation by mixing with olive oil.  Oregano oil can be used internally or externally by capsule or diluted extract or infusions.  Not to be used if you are pregnant.  This is a homeopathic remedy that I use in my home. Before you use this product to treat any medical condition you should consult your healtcare professional.  DO NOT uses if you are pregnant or nursing.)

Witchy Uses of Oil of Oregano:
Ruled by Venus
Magical Uses: happiness, tranquility, luck, health, protection and letting go of a loved one.  It can also be used to strengthen an existing love. 
Planting it in the front of your home is said to keep negative magic away. Washing your walls down with a cleanser made with oregano is said to cleanse and protect your home.

Recipe: this is an infusion not an essential oil
1/2 c. fresh organic (if possible) oregano
1/2 c. organic olive oil
sterile jar
hot water
and a sunny place for it to rest.

Clean and wash your oregano and remove leaves from stalks. Pat dry. Discard stalks

 While you are preparing your herbs boil your jars and lid for 10 minutes to sterilize.

Place leaves in baggie and crush to release the oils from the leaf.  I use a hammer :)

Once Jars are sterile remove them and place fresh mashed up herb and oil in jar.

 Put lid on jar and place jar in the hot water that is turned off on your stove.  Leave on stove for 10 minutes. Remove carefully because it is really HOT and place in a sunny window for 2 weeks. Shaking every couple of days to help release more oils.

Once the 2 weeks is up strain the oil and oregano mixture.  Place oil in sterile jar and keep in a cool dry place for up to 3 months.  If it looks moldy or murky discard, if in doubt throw it out. Some people like to store their infused oils in a fridge but that isn't me :)  

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Quickie Card Ideas

These are a few of my cards that I have made in the past month.  They were all quick with stuff I had in my craft room. I love things when they are easy and I don't procrastinate.  Giving myself a time to work on crafts doesn't always happen, kind of like getting enough exercise in. 
My Daughter's Friend's Birthday


Brother-in-law Train Enthusiast
Quickie Halloween

Monday, September 23, 2013

Jewish New Year Card

The first card I ever made from scratch was this Jewish New Year card.  Before, I learned a lot :) But it deserves to be here, just because it will show the gradual improvements in card making in the weeks and years to come.  I hope :)  I never realized how hard it is to find rubber stamps or other products that can help you make Jewish Cards.  But with a little thought a head of time you can make almost anything.  

One of my favorite new tricks I learned after this cards is tracing a graphic with a fine black pen and then putting your tracing paper through your printer/fax machine and copying to picture to your cardstock of choice. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Dawn of my New Hobby

I have always had great difficulties writing a blog because I never knew where I should start.  I am 46 years old and have experienced many things in life but my life has always seemed like a hodge-podge.  I am sure most of us feel that way.  I have just started a new hobby that coincidently started just before Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.   So, my blog is starting as my new hobby starts......

My laundry room became my hobby room.  Alan, my husband has his music room and I have my arts and crafts room.

I am totally blessed to have a great place to make my cards.  I have made a few different kinds up till now, and I hope to expand to many more great cards in the future.